Standard cleaning nozzles

Made of wear-resistant, hardened steel, provided with front jet insert and blind plug (interchangeable). Angle of jet backwards, sturdy wall thickness, long service life and a minimum of wear and tear. All nozzles from art.30.038 onward are provided with steelceramic inserts. Because of this, the efficiency is considerably higher compared with those nozzles with drilled holes and the service life is several times longer.


  • Appropriate for removal of sludge deposits and cloggings

Silverline standard cleaning nozzles 1/8"

Item number Item name
30.012SL10 Standard nozzle 10 l/min 100 bar 1/8″ 20 – 100 10 4 x 0.75 25° 13 x 18 0.01 350
30.012SL10F Standard nozzle w. front jet 10 l/min 100 bar 1/8″ 20 – 100 11 4 x 0.75 1 x 0.60 25° 13 x 18 0.01 350
30.012SL15 Standard nozzle 15 l/min 100 bar 1/8″ 20 – 100 15 4 x 0.90 25° 13 x 18 0.01 350
30.012SL15F Standard nozzle w. front jet 15 l/min 100 bar 1/8″ 20 – 100 16 4 x 0.90 1 x 0.60 25° 13 x 18 0.01 350
30.012SL27 Standard nozzle 27 l/min 100 bar 1/8″ 20 – 100 27 4 x 1.20 25° 13 x 18 0.01 350
30.012SL30F Standard nozzle w. front jet 30 l/min 100 bar 1/8″ 20 – 100 30 4 x 1.10 1 x 1.10 25° 13 x 18 0.01 350

Silverline standard cleaning nozzles 1/4"

Item number Item name
30.0253SL10 Standard nozzle 10 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 10 3 x 0.85 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0253SL10F Standard nozzle w. front jet 10 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 10 3 x 0.80 1 x 0.80 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0253SL15 Standard nozzle 15 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 15 3 x 1.10 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0253SL15F Standard nozzle w. front jet 15 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 15 3 x 1.00 1 x 0.80 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0253SL30 Standard nozzle 30 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 30 3 x 1.55 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0253SL30F Standard nozzle w. front jet 30 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 33 3 x 1.55 1 x 0.80 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0256SL30 Standard nozzle 30 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 30 6 x 1.10 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0256SL30F Standard nozzle w. front jet 30 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 30 6 x 1.00 1 x 0.80 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0256SL40 Standard nozzle 40 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 40 6 x 1.20 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350
30.0256SL40F Standard nozzle w. front jet 40 l/min 100 bar 1/4″ 30 – 110 43 6 x 1.20 1 x 0.80 25° 18 x 20 0.02 350

Silverline standard cleaning nozzles 3/8"

Item number Item name
30.038SL40 Standard nozzle 40 l/min 100 bar 3/8″ 40 – 150 40 6 x 1.30 25° 25 x 24 0.08 350
30.038SL40F Standard nozzle w. front jet 40 l/min 100 bar 3/8″ 40 – 150 41 6 x 1.30 1 x 0.60 25° 25 x 24 0.06 350
30.038SL60 Standard nozzle 60 l/min 100 bar 3/8″ 40 – 150 60 6 x 1.50 25° 25 x 24 0.06 350
30.038SL60F Standard nozzle w. front jet 60 l/min 100 bar 3/8″ 40 – 150 66 6 x 1.50 1 x 1.1 25° 25 x 24 0.08 350

Silverline standard cleaning nozzles 1/2"

Item number Item name
30.050SL100 Pipe nozzle 100 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 100 6 x 1.9 25° 30 x 27 0.06 350
30.050SL100F Pipe nozzle 100 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 110 6 x 1.9 1 x 1.5 25° 30 x 27 0.06 350
30.050SL40 Pipe nozzle 40 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 40 6 x 1.2 25° 30 x 27 0.06 350
30.050SL40F Pipe nozzle 40 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 50 6 x 1.2 1 x 1.1 25° 30 x 27 0.06 350
30.050SL70 Pipe nozzle 70 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 70 6 x 1.6 25° 30 x 27 0.06 350
30.050SL70F Pipe nozzle 70 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 80 6 x 1.6 1 x 1.4 25° 30 x 27 0.06 350
35.050SL100 Pipe nozzle 100 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 100 6 x 1.7 4 x 1.3 25° 15° 30 x 27 0.10 350
35.050SL40 Pipe nozzle 40 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 40 6 x 1.1 3 x 1.00 25° 15° 30 x 27 0.10 350
35.050SL70 Pipe nozzle 70 l/min 100 bar 1/2″ 50 – 200 70 6 x 1.4 4 x 1.1 25° 15° 30 x 27 0.10 350

Egg nozzle 1/2"

Item number Item name
30.050EI Egg nozzle 1/2″ 50 – 200 30 6 x M6 1 x M6 25° 40 x 50 0.25 ok 350
35.050EI Egg nozzle with 4 front jets 1/2″ 50 – 200 50 6 x M6 4 x M4 25° 15° 40 x 50 0.25 ok 350

Standard cleaning nozzles 3/8" - 1 1/4"

Item number Item name
30.038 Nozzle for pipe cleaning 3/8″ 40 – 150 10 6 x M4 1 x M6 30° 25 x 39 0.06 ok 350
30.050 Nozzle for pipe cleaning 1/2″ 50 – 200 30 6 x M6 1 x M6 30° 30 x 47 0.07 ok 350
30.075 Nozzle for pipe cleaning 3/4″ 70 – 250 50 6 x M6 1 x M6 30° 38 x 60 0.15 ok 350
30.100 Nozzle for pipe cleaning 1″ 150 – 350 120 8 x M8 1 x M8 30° 60 x 83 0.20 ok 250
30.100SP20 Egg nozzle 20° 1″ 150 – 350 120 8 x M8 1 x M8 20° 60 x 83 0.70 ok 250
30.125 Nozzle for pipe cleaning 1 1/4″ 200 – 400 200 8 x M8 1 x M8 30° 68 x 105 0.90 ok 250
35.050 Nozzle with 4 front jets 1/2″ 50 – 200 50 6 x M6 3 x M4, 1 x M6 30° 15° 30 x 47 0.20 ok 350
35.100 Nozzle with 4 front jets 1″ 150 – 350 120 8 x M8 4 x M8 30° 15° 60 x 83 0.71 ok 250

360° Standard cleaning nozzles 1/4" - 1/2"

Item number Item name
30.050A-12 360° Standard nozzle 1/4″ 50 – 200 25 12 x M4 * 46 x 31 0.12 ok 500
30.050B-12 360° Standard nozzle 3/8″ 50 – 200 25 12 x M4 * 46 x 31 0.12 ok 500
30.050C-12 360° Standard nozzle 1/2″ 50 – 200 25 12 x M4 * 46 x 31 0.12 ok 500